Body And Breast Thermal Imaging
Lead Conversion Strategy and Marketing
Educate and build a list
The month of October is known for one thing: Breast Cancer Awareness. Of course, that means Body and Breast Thermal Imaging needed to build a list and educate women and so we launched a facebook campaign that sent people to an interactive quiz.
Knowing your customers
Understanding customer objection piece from an emotional standpoint and NOT a practical (they don’t have enough money, they don’t have enough time). When you understand these, you can speak to them directly in your sales copy, and your scripting So there are two demographics I was working with. Younger women who struggle with the looming thought that they may have breast cancer because they, or someone they love, have been effected by the disease. The other is Older women who loathe the poking, the stretching, and embarrassment of having to get a mammogram. Here is where the user persona tool comes in handy in my strategy session.
The message, and visuals
People buy outcomes and results they want to achieve, they buy into the way they ultimately want to feel after they buy.
Lead magnet and the ask
When I know what gets people to click, by speaking to the results they want to recieve from the service or product, I created an irresistible lead magnet. Take a look below at the lead magnet and process.
The Results
1.5k leads in one month.
Lead Magnet Designer
Tim Schweitzer
Tim Schweitzer
Facebook Ads Manager
Tim Schweitzer
Lead Conversion Strategist
Tim Schweitzer
Web Designer
Tim Schweitzer
Content Strategist
Tim Schweitzer
It’s about time a web designer cares
about your business.
© 2019 Hello I'm Tim | Tim Schweitzer